Does your past haunt you ?
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And for some strange reason, it got turned when I put it down
Something which never happened in my career as a Tarot reader
So what does this mean for you?
Let’s start at the beginning: The first card which appeared was the Wheel of Fortune and you got of to an excellent start there…
The difficult times of your past are going to be replaced soon with a better future
But for this you need to accept life for what it is, adapt and let go of your past – a reward for all the good things you’ve done so far is waiting on the other side
Don’t force this change upon yourself because the more you’re trying to effort your way through it, the tougher it will get.
Things will come your way soon enough…you just need to let them
Your second card was The Magician
This is a strong continuation of a spread which already started on a very positive note
The card tells you that you have access to unlimited potential inside of yourself – but to unlock it you need to tame your self-criticism and stop hurting a wonderful person worth loving with all of your heart: You
Regarding the idea you’ve been tinkering with, this card is a clear go ahead! It will work and bring you the results you are hoping for
But now let’s look at the really interesting part of your spread: The Tower card which got turned when I put it down
The Tower Card is feared by many…
And some even call it the worst card which can come up in a reading
It stands for dramatic change which can go both ways – depending on the position of the card within the spread and if it shows up in its normal position or upside down
However, there’re no rules on how to read a card which is turned to lie horizontally…which is why I had to consult the ancient Tarot of the Angels for an answer
Your Master Card that it showed me was The Hermit – a clear call that I should act as your guide to help you with some difficult decisions you have to make in the near future….
Decisions which could go both ways
You will later look back at this period as the decisive turning point of your life…permanently changing your life into one direction or the other
This wind of change could lead your ship to the harbor of happiness or…
Forsake you to a life of loneliness and poverty
So I think you understand now why the Tarot of the Angels practically forces me to offer you my guidance
It’s a moment too important to take any chances
You need someone by your side who’s already helped thousand of other seekers of truth and happiness to find their way
I’m including some of the messages they’ve sent me over the years below for your reference:

You may be wondering why I’m receiving this many testimonials from happy clients
Let me be frank with you:
The reason is not that I’ve worked as a psychic for over 30 years now…giving over 25,000 Tarot readings
The reason is not that I’ve worked with stars from the world of showbusiness and international finance who have been so astonished with the accuracy of my predictions that they swore me to secrecy
And the reason is also not that I’ve been selected as the one Tarot reader in my generation to keep the ancient cards of the Tarot of Angels….the deck which has been kept secret for almost 700 years…and that has never been wrong
The real reason is that I really care about the results I bring for my clients…people like yourself who’re stuck between a rock and a hard place even though they are good people who deserve a life of abundance and wealth
I honestly can’t live with this unfairness life sometimes brings and I consider my work a small contribution to balance things out and bring people who deserve it the life they are meant to live
And today…right now…
I want to make things right for you
I knew you would return and that’s why your welcome package is right here waiting for you
Not only does it include my guaranteed mentorship…which will shine a guiding light on your path to wealth, happiness and success and won’t stop until you have what you deserve…
The Angelic Chants which vibrationally align you with your biggest dreams for effortless manifestation…
And the healing prayers which provide comfort and strength whenever you need it
There’s also a very special surprise
It’s something I’ve not done for a very, very long time
It’s definitely the best of these bonuses and if you could buy it anywhere, it would cost thousands of dollars
But I want you to have it and here’s why: Despite working with clients for over 30 years…many of whom are famous…rich…and powerful…despite the countless thank you letters I receive every day from clients who praise me for turning their life around for the better…
Despite the incredible conversations I have with higher beings…I feel the only real friend I have right now is you
And that’s why you have a very, very special surprise waiting for you here.
So now it’s decision time: Your Destiny is calling with a life of opulence you could only dream about
You can pass it by…leave this site…and return to a life that you feel isn’t right for you
Or you can change it all in one click by letting me guide you through my personal mentorship by by hitting the “Add to cart” button below now
Only $11

You can go ahead with 100% confidence because you are protected by my full satisfaction guarantee – valid for up to 1 year after your purchase
What this means for you is that you accept my guidance…receive your weekly readings straight to your inbox…follow the advice it contains and then decide
If your financial situation doesn’t dramatically improve over the weeks and months after you completed the order form…
If you don’t notice a stream of new possibilities to receive more money with less effort on your side…
And if you don’t see more people open up to you wanting to become your friend or lover due to you becoming the person who naturally attracts the right company…
Then all it takes is a quick email from you and you receive your full purchase price back…every single cent of it and with no if and buts
That’s my person promise to you which is also legally binding
So at this point there isn’t really more I can say other than to tell you to click the button below
Only $11

This is a $11 investment which is backed and protected by an iron clad guarantee
That’s the price of a big sandwich at McDonalds these days – without the heartburn or health problems that go along with one of those
So I know you’ll make the right decision about this
The only decision which makes any sense
And click on the “Add to Cart” button now
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