Welcome back

Before we continue, I have to admit something:

I haven’t told you everything your cards showed me about you...

You see, the first card the Tarot brought you implies a life full of financial abundance…a deeply fulfilling love…and a large circle of friends and family members who cherish you for who are

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel this is different from the life you currently live!

The strong impression I have is that you are experiencing a grave injustice:

I can sense a lack of money…

A fear of what your future will bring…

Trouble with some of the people close to you…

And a lack of self-esteem and confidence that lies over your life like a dark cloud

In other words, the life you are currently living is not the one which you were destined for - and I wouldn’t be surprised if you had moments where you could sense this fact

But don’t despair!

Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining

And the Tower card which was flipped on its side could change everything for you

It could provide the wind of change you need to sail your ship into the harbor of happiness

There’s just one more action I have to take to find out its meaning…

But before that, there’s something you need to know first :